PT DINI NUSA KUSUMA As an ICT service provider business, DNK upholds legality and certification as required by the government of Indonesia. DNK is the company holding official licences for Inmarsat-4 satellite communications services in Indonesia and is also the company in Indonesia with the licence to provide data communication using a mobile satellite service.
Stay in touch even in places where terrestrial network are unreliable or non-existent, with out range of mobile satellite, including broadband data and voice and handheld phone services.
DNK and Inmarsat plays an integral role in the lives of seafarers. When it comes to delivering reliable maritime communications and safety services, no other network can match the global reach and br...
Asia Pacific Security & Defence Expo (APSDE)Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, Indonesia.
Bapak Alex K. Anwar, Direktur Teknik PT Dini Nusa Kusuma,Bapak Thomas Widodo, Direktur Utama PT...
PT Enggang Air Service, perusahaan maskapai penerbangan charter Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan PT Dini Nusa Kusuma (DNK), pemegang lisensi satelit Inmarst-4 di wilayah Indonesia. Kemitraan ini memung...